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/ しで : n 1 1)zigzag-shaped paper streamer often used to adorn Shinto-related objects 2 2)hornbeam (deciduous tree in the birch family)
/ ぼう / ぼん : n 1 1)bonze 2)monk 2 3)monk's dwelling 3 4)(vocative) boy 5)sonny 4 6)I (used by male children) 7)me suf 5 8)(after name) familiar form of address 6 9)person who is .. 2 10)(vocative) boy
垂領 / ひたたれ : n 1)typical dress of the military class, usually worn together with a hakama
垂迹 / すいしゃく / すいじゃく : n 1)(Buddh) temporary manifestation by a buddha (in order to save people) 2)manifested form (often a Shinto deity)
垂訓 / すいくん : n 1)instruction
垂耳 / たれみみ : n 1)lop-eared
垂纓 / すいえい / たれえい : n 1)hanging tail (of a traditional Japanese hat) 2)drooping tail
垂線 / すいせん : n 1)perpendicular line

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