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地磁気 / ちじき : n 1)geomagnetism 2)terrestrial magnetism
地気 / ちき : n 1 1)air or vapour in the soil (vapor) 2 2)electrical earth 3)ground
地膚 / じはだ : n 1 1)texture 2)grain 2 3)one's skin (lacking makeup, etc.) 4)natural skin 5)bare skin 3 6)surface of the earth 7)bare ground
地色 / じいろ : n 1)ground (color, colour)
地蔵 / じぞう : n abbr 1)Ksitigarbha (bodhisattva who looks over children, travellers and the underworld)... 2)Jizo P
地蔵尊 / じぞうそん : n 1)Jizo (guardian deity of children) 2)(image of) Khitigarbha-bodhisattva
地蔵盆 / じぞうぼん : n 1)Jizo Festival (child-focused religious festival, in which Jizo statues are decor...
地腫れ / じばれ : n vs 1)swelling (around a wound)

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