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地獄の沙汰も金次第 / じごくのさたもかねしだい : exp id 1)Money talks 2)Money is the key that opens all doors 3)Money is the best lawyer in hell 4)Even in hell, the extent of one's suffering is determined by money
地球の周り / ちきゅうのまわり : n 1)space around the earth 2)circumference of the earth
地獄道 / じごくどう : n 1)(Buddh) nakara (hell) realm
地獄耳 / じごくみみ : n 1)sharp ear 2)long ears 3)ability to remember everything one hears
地獄 / じごく : n 1)hell P
地獄絵 / じごくえ : n 1)picture of Hell 2)painting representing Hell
地獄変相 / じごくへんそう : n 1)picture of Hell 2)painting representing Hell
地獄変 / じごくへん : n 1)picture of Hell

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