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土壇場 / どたんば : n 1 1)last moment 2)eleventh hour 2 3)platform made of dirt used to perform executions (decapitations) in the Edo peri... P
土壇 / どだん : n 1 1)dirt mound 2 2)dirt walls on the inside of the sunken hearth in a tea room 3 3)platform made of dirt used to perform executions (decapitations) in the Edo peri...
土取場 / どとりば : n 1)borrowing pit (in flood prevention)
土竜 / どりゅう / むぐら / むぐらもち / もぐら / もぐらもち : ok n uk 1)mole (Talpidae spp., esp. the small Japanese mole, Mogera imaizumii) gikun ok n uk 2)mole (Talpidae spp., esp. the small Japanese mole, Mogera imaizumii) gikun n uk 3)mole (Talpidae spp., esp. the small Japanese mole, Mogera imaizumii)
土壁 / つちかべ : n 1)mud wall
土塊 / つちくれ / どかい : n 1)lump of earth 2)clod
土塁 / どるい : n 1)earthen walls (of fortification) 2)earthwork 3)embankment
土塀 / どべい : n 1)mud wall 2)earthen wall 3)plaster wall P

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