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国難 / こくなん : n 1)national crisis 2)national disaster
国電 / こくでん : n 1)national railroad P
国風 / くにぶり / こくふう : n 1 1)national customs and manners 2 2)provincial song or ballad
国鱒 / くにます : n uk 1)Oncorhynchus nerka kawamurae (rare Japanese subspecies of sockeye salmon)
国鳥 / こくちょう : n 1)the national bird
国際法 / こくさいほう : n 1)international laws P
圖解 / ずかい : oK n vs adj-no 1)schematic 2)schema 3)illustration 4)explanatory diagram
/ つち / / : n 1 1)earth 2)soil 3)dirt 4)clay 5)mud 2 6)the earth (historically, esp. as opposed to the heavens) 7)the ground 8)the land 3 9)low-quality torinoko-gami (containing mud) 4 10)(period of) refraining from construction in the direction of the god of the eart... P n 1 abbr 11)Saturday 2 12)earth (third of the five elements) n n-suf 3 abbr 13)Turkey n arch 14)soil (esp. reddish soil)

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