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因襲 / いんしゅう : n 1)convention 2)tradition 3)long-established custom
因果 / いんが : adj-na n adj-no 1)cause and effect 2)karma 3)fate P
因縁 / いんえん / いんねん : n 1 1)(Buddh) hetu and prataya (direct causes and indirect conditions, which underlie ... 2 2)fate 3)destiny 3 4)connection 5)origin 4 6)pretext P
因明 / いんみょう : n 1)hetuvidya (ancient Indian logic for determining right from wrong, truth from fal...
因数 / いんすう : n 1)(math) factor
因循 / いんじゅん : adj-na n 1)indecision 2)vacillation
因習 / いんしゅう : n 1)convention 2)tradition 3)long-established custom
因子 / いんし : n 1)(math) factor 2)divisor 3)element P

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