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四辺 / しへん : n 1)four-sided
四瑞 / しずい : n obsc 1)the four auspicious beasts from Chinese mythology
四男 / よんなん : n 1)fourth son
四霊 / しれい : n obsc 1)the four auspicious beasts from Chinese mythology
四象 / ししょう : n 1)four images 2)four symbols 3)four emblems 4)four phenomena 5)four phases
四百 / よんひゃく : n 1)four hundred P
四矢 / よつや : n 1)matched set of four arrows for target shooting
四神 / しじん : n 1 1)four gods said to rule over the four directions 2 2)(in China) four gods said to rule over the four seasons

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