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喜望峰 / きぼうほう : n 1)Cape of Good Hope
喜知次 / きちじ : n uk 1)broadbanded thornyhead (Sebastolobus macrochir) 2)broadfin thornyhead 3)kichiji rockfish
喜ぶ / よろこぶ : v5b 1 1)to be delighted 2)to be glad 3)to be pleased 2 4)to congratulate 3 5)to gratefully accept P
喜喜 / きき : adj-t 1)merry 2)joyful 3)gleeful
喜寿 / きじゅ : n 1)77th birthday P
喜怒 / きど : n 1 abbr 1)joy and anger 2 2)human emotions
喜悦 / きえつ : n vs 1)joy
喜捨 / きしゃ : n vs 1)almsgiving

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