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向精神 / こうせいしん : 1)psychotropic 2)psychoactive
向精神薬 / こうせいしんやく : 1)psychotropic 2)psychotropic drug 3)psychotropic agent
向精神剤 / こうせいしんざい : 1)psychotropic drug 2)psychotropic
向上心 / こうじょうしん : n 1)ambition 2)aspiration 3)desire to improve oneself
向付 / むこうづけ : n 1 1)(food) dish placed on the far side of the serving table (kaiseki cuisine) 2)side dishes at a banquet (e.g. sashimi, salad, vinegared dish; not rice or soup) 2 3)(sumo) resting one's forehead on the chest of one's opponent and grabbing his be...
向付け / むこうづけ : n 1 1)(food) dish placed on the far side of the serving table (kaiseki cuisine) 2)side dishes at a banquet (e.g. sashimi, salad, vinegared dish; not rice or soup) 2 3)(sumo) resting one's forehead on the chest of one's opponent and grabbing his be...
向地性 / こうちせい : n 1)the nature of plants to grow down and root 2)geotropism
向学心 / こうがくしん : n 1)love of learning

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