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口火を切る / くちびをきる : exp v5r 1)to start the debate 2)to get the ball rolling 3)to fire the first shot (fig. only) 4)to start a conversation
口火 / くちび : n 1)fuse 2)spark plug 3)cause (of war) 4)origin (of a quarrel) P
口籠る / くちごもる : v5r vi 1)to hesitate to say 2)to mumble 3)to hem and haw 4)to falter
口篭る / くちごもる : v5r vi 1)to hesitate to say 2)to mumble 3)to hem and haw 4)to falter
口笛を吹く / くちぶえをふく : exp v5k 1)to whistle
口走る / くちばしる : v5r vt 1)to speak 2)to tell 3)to blurt out P
口籠もる / くちごもる : v5r vi 1)to hesitate to say 2)to mumble 3)to hem and haw 4)to falter
口切り / くちきり : n 1 1)start broaching (a subject) 2)opening remark 3)start 4)commencement 5)beginning 2 6)event at the start of the tenth month of the lunar calendar 3 7)opening a sealed jar or container

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