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取り返す / とりかえす : v5s vt 1)to regain 2)to recover 3)to get back P
取り消す / とりけす : v5s vt 1)to cancel 2)to withdraw 3)to retract 4)to take back (words, etc.) 5)to revoke P
取り返し / とりかえし : n 1)recovery
取り逃す / とりにがす : v5s vt 1)to miss (capturing) 2)to fail to catch 3)to let slip
取り離す / とりはなす : v5s vt 1)to release 2)to let go (of)
取り直す / とりなおす : v5s vt 1 1)(sumo) to re-grip 2)to re-wrestle 2 3)to regroup (after some adverse event)
取り零す / とりこぼす : v5s vi 1 1)(comp) to lose an easy game 2)to suffer an unexpected defeat 2 3)to lose information (computers)
取り殺す / とりころす : v5s vt 1)to haunt to death 2)to possess and kill

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