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取り締まり / とりしまり : n 1)control 2)management 3)supervision P
取り締り / とりしまり : n 1)control 2)management 3)supervision P
取り締まる / とりしまる : v5r vt 1)to manage 2)to control 3)to supervise 4)to crack down on P
取り澄ます / とりすます : v5s vi 1)to look unconcerned 2)to assume a composed look
取り毀し / とりこわし : n 1)demolition 2)pulling down 3)destruction 4)dismantling
取り継ぐ / とりつぐ : iK v5g vt 1 1)to act as an agent for 2)to intermediate 2 3)to announce (someone's arrival) 4)to answer (the door, the phone) 5)to receive (a guest at reception) 6)to usher in (a guest) 3 7)to convey (a message)
取り組む / とりくむ : v5m vi 1)to tackle 2)to wrestle with 3)to engage in a bout 4)to come to grips with 5)to make effort 6)to strive for 7)to deal with P
取り組み / とりくみ : n 1 1)bout (in sports, etc.) 2)match 2 3)effort 4)initiative 5)dealing with 6)grappling with 7)wrestling with P

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