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劣らず / おとらず : adv 1)with the best of them 2)as the next fellow
劣等感 / れっとうかん : n 1)inferiority complex P
劣角 / れっかく : n 1)minor angle
/ れつ : pref 1)(math) sub- 2)inferior 3)minor
劣る / おとる : v5r vi 1)to be inferior to 2)to be less good at 3)to fall behind P
劣勢 / れっせい : n adj-no adj-na 1)inferiority (e.g. numerical) 2)inferior position 3)disadvantage 4)unfavorable situation 5)unfavourable situation P
劣勢感 / れっせいかん : n 1)inferiority complex
劣化 / れっか : n vs 1)deterioration 2)degradation 3)drop in quality P

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