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創面 / そうめん : n 1)surface of a wound
/ きず : n 1 1)wound 2)injury 3)cut 4)gash 5)bruise 6)scratch 7)scrape 8)scar 2 9)chip 10)crack 11)nick 3 12)flaw 13)defect 14)weakness 15)weak point 4 16)stain (on one's reputation) 17)disgrace 18)dishonor 19)dishonour 5 20)(emotional) hurt 21)hurt feelings
創る / つくる : v5r vt 1 1)to make 2)to produce 3)to manufacture 4)to build 5)to construct 2 6)to prepare (food) 7)to brew (alcohol) 3 8)to raise 9)to grow 10)to cultivate 11)to train 4 12)to till 5 13)to draw up (a document) 14)to make out 15)to prepare 16)to write 6 17)to create (an artistic work, etc.) 18)to compose 19)(7) to coin (a phrase) 20)to organize 21)to organise 22)to establish 23)to found 24)(8) to have (a child) 25)(9) to make up (one's face, etc.) 26)(10) to fabricate (an excuse, etc.) 27)(11) to form (a line, etc.) 28)(12) to set (a record) 29)(13) to commit (a sin, etc.) P
創世 / そうせい : n 1)creation of world
創立 / そうりつ : n vs 1)establishment 2)founding 3)organization 4)organisation P
創発 / そうはつ : n 1)emergence (in evolutionary theory, systems theory, etc.)
創作 / そうさく : n vs adj-no 1)production 2)literary creation 3)work P
創痕 / そうこん : n 1)scar

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