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副腎 / ふくじん : n adj-no 1)suprarenal body 2)adrenal glands
副尺 / ふくしゃく : n 1)vernier scale
副寺 / ふうす : n 1)one of the six administrators of a Zen temple (in charge of accounting)
副将 / ふくしょう : n 1 1)second in command 2 2)fourth athlete to compete in a 5-on-5 team competition (kendo, judo, etc.)
副露 / フーロ : n 1 1)calling another player's discarded tile to complete a meld (but not to complete ... 2 2)declaring a kong or calling a discarded tile to complete a meld (mahjong)
副層 / ふくそう : n 1)(comp) sublayer
副手 / ふくしゅ : n 1)assistant 2)associate
副長 / ふくちょう : n 1 1)deputy head 2)deputy director 3)vice chief (of something) 2 4)executive officer (navy)

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