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前後軸 / ぜんごじく : 1)anteroposterior axis 2)anteroposterior axes 3)anterior posterior axis 4)anterior posterior axes
前後 / ぜんご / まえしりえ : n 1 1)front and rear 2)front and back 3)before and behind 2 4)before and after 3 5)order 6)context 4 7)consequences n vs 5 8)inversion 9)reversion 10)getting out of order 6 11)co-occurring n-suf n 12)(7) around 13)about 14)approximately 15)nearly P n arch 16)front and rear
前後ろ / まえうしろ : n 1)front and back 2)before and behind 3)before and after
前掲 / ぜんけい : n adj-no 1)above-named
前掲書 / ぜんけいしょ : exp 1)(in the work) cited 2)aforementioned work 3)op. cit. (opere citato, opus citatum)
前提 / ぜんてい : n 1)preamble 2)premise 3)reason 4)prerequisite 5)condition 6)assumption 7)hypothesis 8)given P
前撮り / まえとり : n vs 1)pictures taken before a ceremony (wedding, etc.)
前文 / ぜんぶん : n 1 1)preamble 2 2)the above statement P

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