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前世 / ぜんせ / ぜんせい : n 1)previous existence n 2)antiquity 3)the previous era
前室 / ぜんしつ : n 1 1)front room 2)front parlor 3)lobby 4)anticum 2 5)anterior ventricle
前件 / ぜんけん : n 1 1)aforementioned 2)previous case 2 3)antecedent
前名 / ぜんめい : n 1)one's previous name
前号 / ぜんごう : n 1)preceding issue
前史 / ぜんし : n 1)prehistory
前古 / ぜんこ : n 1)old times 2)ancient days
/ さき / ぜん / まえ : n adj-no n-suf pref 1 1)previous 2)prior 3)former 4)some time ago 5)preceding 2 6)point (e.g. pencil) 7)tip 8)end 9)nozzle 3 10)head (of a line) 11)front 4 12)ahead 13)the other side 5 14)the future 15)hereafter 6 16)destination 17)(7) the other party 1 18)(n-pref) the last (i.e. immediately preceding) (e.g. "the last mayor") 19)previous 20)one-time 2 21)(before the name of an era) pre- (e.g. "premodern") adj-no n 3 22)before 23)earlier P n-adv n-t suf 1 24)ago 25)before (some event) 26)previously 27)(minutes) to (the hour) 2 28)in front (of) 29)before (e.g. the house) 30)front (e.g. of a bus) 31)fore part 4 32)in the presence of 5 33)helping 34)portion 6 35)privates 36)private parts

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