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刺し殺す / さしころす : v5s vt 1)to stab to death P
刺し通す / さしとおす : v5s vt 1)to stab 2)to pierce 3)to run through (e.g. with a sword)
刺殺 / しさつ : n vs 1 1)stabbing to death 2 2)putting out (baseball)
刺し / さし : n 1 abbr 1)grain thief 2)sharpened tube for testing rice in bags 2 abbr 3)sashimi (sliced raw fish) 3 4)stabbing 5)piercing 6)pricking P
刺通す / さしとおす : v5s vt 1)to stab 2)to pierce 3)to run through (e.g. with a sword)
刺しゅう / ししゅう : n vs 1)embroidery
刺し傷 / さしきず : n 1)a stab 2)puncture wound
刺し子 / さしこ : n 1)quilting 2)quilted coat 3)quilted clothes

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