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初夏 / しょか / はつなつ : n 1 1)early summer 2 obs 2)fourth month of the lunar calendar P n 3)early summer
初手 / しょて : n 1)beginning 2)start
初品 / しょひん : n 1)Initial parts 2)first article 3)first off-tool parts (from a manufacturing process)
初号 / しょごう : n 1 1)first number (e.g. issue of a magazine) 2 2)No. 1 type
初句 / しょく : n 1)first five syllables (of a tanka) 2)first line (of a poem)
初口 / しょくち : n 1)beginning
初参 / ういざん / しょさん / はつまいり : n arch 1)meeting one's master for the first time (of a new servant) 2)ceremony at which a new servant has his first audience with his new master n vs 1 3)being in someone's service for the first time 4)participating for the first time 2 5)visiting a shrine (or temple) for the first time io n vs 6)first shrine visit of the New Year
初回 / しょかい : n 1 1)first time 2)first innings 3)initial attempt adj-no 2 4)first 5)initial P

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