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初代培養 / しょだいばいよう : 1)primary culture (vs)
初代 / しょだい : n adj-no 1)first generation 2)founder P
初乳抗体 / しょにゅうこうたい : 1)colostral antibody
初動捜査 / しょどうそうさ : n 1)initial investigation (by police)
初午 / はつうま : exp 1)first "horse day" in any lunar month, but esp. the second lunar month 2)traditional day for worship at "fox deity" shrines
初参 / ういざん / しょさん / はつまいり : n arch 1)meeting one's master for the first time (of a new servant) 2)ceremony at which a new servant has his first audience with his new master n vs 1 3)being in someone's service for the first time 4)participating for the first time 2 5)visiting a shrine (or temple) for the first time io n vs 6)first shrine visit of the New Year
初参り / はつまいり : n vs 1)first shrine visit of the New Year
初口 / しょくち : n 1)beginning

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