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冷やかし / ひやかし : n 1)jeering 2)raillery 3)chaffing 4)merely asking the price 5)just looking at goods 6)window-shopping 7)browsing
冷やかす / ひやかす : v5s 1 1)to banter 2)to make fun of 3)to jeer at 2 4)to cool 5)to refrigerate P
冷やか / ひややか : adj-na n 1 1)cold 2)chilly 3)cool 2 4)indifferent 5)cold-hearted 6)surly 7)curt 8)composed
冷や麦 / ひやむぎ : n 1)cold noodles 2)iced noodles
冷や飯 / ひやめし : n 1 1)(sens) cold rice 2 abbr 2)hanger-on 3)dependent 3 4)disgraced former actor
冷や酒 / ひやざけ : n 1)cold sake
冷や汗 / ひやあせ : n 1)cold sweat P
冷や汁 / ひやじる : n 1)cold soup (usu. miso)

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