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六重唱 / ろくじゅうしょう : n 1)vocal sextet
六重項 / ろくじゅうこう : 1)sextet
六重線 / ろくじゅうせん : 1)sextet
六重奏 / ろくじゅうそう : n 1)instrumental sextet
六入 / ろくにゅう : n 1)(Buddh) six sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind)
六芒星 / りくぼうせい / ろくぼうせい : n 1)hexagram
六腑 / ろっぷ : n 1)the six internal organs (large intestine, small intestine, gallbladder, stomach,...
六義 / りくぎ / ろくぎ : n 1 1)six forms of the Shi Jing (genre: folk song, festal song, hymn; style: narrative... 2 2)six forms of waka (allegorical, enumerative, metaphorical, allusive, plain, cong... 3 3)six principles of calligraphy 4 4)six classes of kanji characters

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