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六方最密充填 / ろっぽうさいみつじゅうてん : 1)hexagonal closest packing
六方最密 / ろっぽうさいみつ : 1)hexagonal closest
六方晶系 / ろっぽうしょうけい : 1)hexagonal system 2)hexagonal
六方晶 / ろっぽうしょう : 1)hexagonal crystal
六方 / ろっぽう : n 1 1)the six directions (north, south, east, west, up, and down) pref 2 2)hexagonal
六曜 / ろくよう : n 1)Japanese calendar's six labels, indicating how auspicious each day is
六朝 / りくちょう / ろくちょう : n 1 1)Six Dynasties (of China: Eastern Wu, Eastern Jin, Song, Qi, Liang, Chen) 2 2)calligraphic style of the Six Dynasties period
六本 / ろっぽん : n 1)six (long cylindrical things)

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