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六塩化 / ろくえんか : 1)hexachloro
六百 / ろっぴゃく : n 1)six hundred
六境 / ろっきょう : n 1)(Buddh) six objective fields of the senses (shape and colour, sound, scent, flav...
六芒星 / りくぼうせい / ろくぼうせい : n 1)hexagram
六地蔵 / ろくじぞう : n 1)the Six Ksitigarbhas (one for each of the six realms)
六国史 / りっこくし : n 1)Rikkokushi (the six ancient Japanese historical collections compiled between the...
六国 / りくこく / りっこく / ろっこく : n 1)Six Kingdoms (of China's Warring States period: Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Wei & Zhao)
六員環 / ろくいんかん : 1)six-membered ring

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