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六分儀 / ろくぶんぎ : n 1)sextant
六分儀座 / ろくぶんぎざ : n 1)(astron) Sextans (constellation) 2)the Sextant
六分 / ろっぷん : n-t 1)six minutes
六大 / ろくだい : n 1)(Buddh) the six elements (earth, water, fire, wind, void, and consciousness)
六欲天 / ろくよくてん : n 1)(Buddh) the six domains of the desire realm 2)the six heavens of the desire realm
六根 / ろっこん : n 1)(Buddh) six sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind)
六本 / ろっぽん : n 1)six (long cylindrical things)
六朝 / りくちょう / ろくちょう : n 1 1)Six Dynasties (of China: Eastern Wu, Eastern Jin, Song, Qi, Liang, Chen) 2 2)calligraphic style of the Six Dynasties period

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