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八価 / はっか : 1)octavalent
八千 / はっせん / やち : n 1 1)8000 2 2)many
八州 / はっしゅう : n 1 arch 1)Japan 2 2)eight Edo-period provinces of Kanto (Sagami, Musashi, Awa, Kazusa, Shimousa, Hit...
八島 / やしま : n arch 1)Japan
八尋 / やひろ : n adj-no arch 1)great length 2)great size
八専 / はっせん : n 1)49th, 51st, 52nd, 54th, 56th, 57th, 58th or 60th day of the sexagenary cycle (sa...
八寸 / はっすん : n 1 1)distance of eight sun (approx. 24 cm) 2 2)dish or tray of this size (esp. used in kaiseki cuisine to serve several kinds o... 3)food served in such a dish 3 4)var. of thick, traditional Japanese paper
八家 / はっけ : n 1 abbr 1)the eight early Japanese Buddhist sects 2 2)eight Japanese monks who visited China during the early Heian

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