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光捕獲 / ひかりほかく : 1)light capture
光環 / こうかん : n 1)corona
光琳派 / こうりんは : n 1)Korin school 2)Rimpa school (of painting, 17th-early 20th century)
光物 / ひかりもの : n 1 1)luminous body like a shooting star 2 2)any bright metal 3 3)sliced fish with the silver skin left on (iwashi, aji, sayori, sanma, kohada, et...
光熱費 / こうねつひ : n 1)cost of fuel and lighting 2)cost of heat and electricity 3)energy bill 4)utility cost P
光熱水 / こうねつすい : n 1)light, heating and water (utilities)
光熱 / こうねつ : n adj-no 1)light and heat
光照 / こうしょう : n 1)shining

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