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停年 / ていねん : n 1 1)retirement age 2 arch 2)years of service in a military rank before eligibility for promotion
停職 / ていしょく : n 1)suspension from office
停船 / ていせん : n vs 1)stopping a ship 2)detention 3)quarantine
停波 / ていは : n vs 1)end of transmission (radio, television, telephony, etc.) 2)closure of transmission
停車 / ていしゃ : n vs 1)stopping (e.g. train) P
停泊 / ていはく : n vs 1)anchorage 2)moorings P
停電 / ていでん : n vs 1)power outage 2)electricity outage 3)blackout 4)failure of electricity supply P
停音 / ていおん : n obsc 1)(music) rest

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