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侍従 / じじゅう : n 1)chamberlain P
侍所 / さぶらいどころ / さむらいどころ : n 1 1)Board of Retainers 2)Kamakura- and Muromachi-period government office 2 3)samurai guard house (Heian and Kamakura periods)
侍る / はべる : v5r vi 1)to wait upon 2)to serve
侍僧 / じそう : n 1)acolyte
侍医 / じい : n 1)court physician P
侍史 / じし : n 1)private secretary 2)respectfully
侍女 / じじょ : n 1)lady attendant 2)maid P
侍婢 / じひ : n 1)lady-in-waiting

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