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仕掛品 / しかかりひん / しかけひん : n 1)work in progress 2)WIP 3)goods in process
仕掛人 / しかけにん : n 1)instigator
仕掛る / しかかる : v5r vt 1 1)to start something 2 2)to have started something, but not yet finished it
仕掛り品 / しかかりひん : n 1)work in progress 2)WIP 3)goods in process
仕掛け品 / しかけひん : n 1)work in progress 2)WIP 3)goods in process
仕掛け / しかけ : n 1)device 2)contrivance 3)trick 4)mechanism 5)gadget 6)(small) scale 7)half finished 8)commencement 9)set up 10)challenge 11)attack P
仕掛物 / しかけもの : n 1)implements used to enhance the effect of a play (e.g. props, costumes, etc.)
仕掛 / しかけ : n 1)device 2)contrivance 3)trick 4)mechanism 5)gadget 6)(small) scale 7)half finished 8)commencement 9)set up 10)challenge 11)attack

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