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五糖 / ごとう : 1)pentasaccharide
五味 / ごみ : n 1 1)five flavors (sweet, salty, spicy, sour, bitter) 2)five palates 3)five tastes 2 4)(Buddh) five flavors (milk at various stages of making ghee: fresh milk, cream, ... 5)the five periods of the Buddha's teachings
五眼 / ごげん : n 1)(Buddh) the five eyes (physical eye, heavenly eye, wisdom eye, dharma eye and Bu...
五目 / ごもく : n 1 1)mixture of ingredients (originally five) 2 abbr 2)mixture of minced vegetables, fish, and meat, mixed in a starch (rice, noodles) 3 abbr 3)gomoku (game) 4)five in a row 5)go-bang
五重 / いつえ / ごじゅう : n 1)five-storied 2)quintuplicate 3)fivefold
五百 / いお / ごひゃく : n 1 1)500 2 2)many
五男 / ごなん : n 1)fifth son
五爵 / ごしゃく : n 1)five ranks of nobility (duke, marquis, count, viscount, baron)

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