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五環系 / ごかんけい : 1)pentacyclic
五等爵 / ごとうしゃく : n 1)five ranks of nobility (duke, marquis, count, viscount, baron)
五箇年 / ごかねん : adj-pn 1)quinquennial
五節 / ごせつ : n 1)the five festivals (Jan 7th, March 3rd, May 5th, July 7th and Sep 9th)
五節句 / ごせっく : n 1)the five festivals (Jan 7th, March 3rd, May 5th, July 7th and Sep 9th)
五糖 / ごとう : 1)pentasaccharide
五絃 / ごげん : n 1)five strings 2)five-stringed instrument
五経 / ごきょう : n 1)the Five Classics texts of Confucianism

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