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五価 / ごか : 1)pentavalent
五本 / ごほん : n 1)five (long cylindrical things)
/ / いつ / / ウー : 1)(num) five P 2)(num) five (chi:)
五形 / ごぎょう : n uk 1)Jersey cudweed (species of cottonweed, Gnaphalium affine)
五味 / ごみ : n 1 1)five flavors (sweet, salty, spicy, sour, bitter) 2)five palates 3)five tastes 2 4)(Buddh) five flavors (milk at various stages of making ghee: fresh milk, cream, ... 5)the five periods of the Buddha's teachings
五常 / ごじょう : n 1)the five cardinal Confucian virtues (justice, politeness, wisdom, fidelity and b...
五山 / ごさん / ござん : n obsc 1)five most important temples of a region
五七 / ごしち : n 1 1)five and seven 2 abbr 2)35th day after a person's death

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