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中秋 / ちゅうしゅう / ちゅうじゅう : n 1)15th day of the 8th lunar month
中盤 / ちゅうばん : n-adv n 1)middle (stage) P
中立 / ちゅうりつ / なかだち : n 1)neutrality P n 2)break between the light meal and the actual serving of tea (during a formal tea ...
中空 / ちゅうくう / なかぞら : adj-na n 1 1)hollow 2)emptiness 2 3)mid-air 4)the air adj-na n 5)mid-air
中稲 / なかて : n 1)mid-season crops 2)mid-season rice 3)mid-season vegetables
中程 / なかほど : n 1)middle 2)midway
中称 / ちゅうしょう : n 1)(ling) mesioproximal pronoun (indicating proximity to the listener, i.e. sore, s...
中神 / なかがみ : n 1)Ten'ichijin 2)Nakagami 3)god of fortune in Onmyoudou who descends to the northeast on the 46th day of the...

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