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ヒラメ筋 / ヒラメきん : n 1)soleus muscle
ヒラメ : n 1 uk 1)flounder (esp. the large-tooth flounders of family Paralichthyidae, but also lef... 2 2)bastard halibut 3)olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)
ヒラメ筋 / ヒラメきん : n 1)soleus muscle
ヒラヒラ : adv n vs 1 1)(on-mim) flutter 2 2)(on-mim) flickering (light, flame, etc.) n 3 3)frill
ヒラクサ : n uk 1)Ptilophora subcostata (species of red alga)
ヒラマサ : n uk 1)yellowtail amberjack (species of fish, Seriola lalandi)
ヒラマメ : n uk 1)lentil (Lens culinaris, Lens esculenta)
ヒラ : n 1 1)something broad and flat 2)palm of the hand 2 3)common 4)ordinary 3 abbr 5)low-ranking employee 6)freshman 7)novice 8)private

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