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ヒマワリ : n uk 1)sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
ヒマ : adj-na n 1 1)spare time 2)free time 3)leisure 2 4)time off 5)day off 6)vacation 7)holiday 8)leave 3 9)quitting (one's job) 10)firing someone 11)divorcing (one's spouse)
ヒメアリ : n uk 1)Monomorium intrudens (species of ant)
ヒマシ油 / ひましゆ : 1)castor oil
ヒマネタ : n col 1)unimportant piece of news 2)news unrelated to major events or pressing social conditions
ヒマラヤ : n 1)Himalaya P
ヒナユリ : n 1)camassia 2)wild hyacinth
ヒマ毒 / ひまどく : 1)ricin

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