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パカ : n 1)paca (any of either species of paca, esp. lowland paca, Agouti paca)
パス : n 1 1)path n vs 2 2)pass (e.g. skipping a move, passing an examination, ticket to allow entry, etc.) 3 3)(sports) pass P
/ パオ : n 1)yurt (chi:)
パカン : 1 1)(adv-to) (on-mim) vacantly 2)blankly 3)absentmindedly 2 4)(on-mim) openmouthed 5)with one's mouth wide-open 6)gaping 7)flabbergasted 3 8)(on-mim) with a whack 9)with a thump
パグ : n 1)pug (variety of dog)
パイプ : n 1 1)pipe 2)tube 2 3)channels, official or otherwise 4)(business) connections 3 5)tobacco pipe P
パスタ : n 1)pasta (ita:) P
パスカル : n 1 1)pascal (unit of pressure) 2 2)(comp) PASCAL (language) 3 3)Pascal (Blaise) P
パスカル / ぱすかる : 1)Pascal 2)Pa (pn)

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