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ハギス : n 1)haggis (traditional Scottish dish made from a sheep's offal cooked in the animal...
ハス : n uk 1)sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) 2)Indian lotus 3)lotus n uk 4)three-lips (freshwater fish of the minnow family, Opsariichthys uncirostris)
ハウス : n 1 1)house 2 abbr 2)plastic greenhouse 3 abbr 3)house music P
ハギ : n 1 uk 1)bush clover 2)Japanese clover (any flowering plant of genus Lespedeza) 2 3)dark red exterior with blue interior (color combination worn in autumn)
ハギ属 / ハギぞく : n 1)Lespedeza (genus comprising the bush clovers)
ハコ : n 1 1)box 2)case 3)chest 4)package 5)pack 2 6)car (of a train, etc.) 3 7)shamisen case 8)shamisen 4 col 9)public building 10)community building 5 arch 11)man who carries a geisha's shamisen 6 arch 12)receptacle for human waste 13)feces (faeces) suf 14)(7) counter for boxes (or boxed objects)
ハガキ : n 1 abbr 1)postcard 2 2)memo 3)note 4)card
ハシシ : n 1)hashish

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