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ツバメ : n 1 uk 1)swallow (bird of the Hirundinidae family) 2)martin 2 3)barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) 3 4)younger man involved with an older woman P
ツバス : n ksb: 1)young Japanese amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata)
ツメ : n abbr 1)to close up (editing mark)
ツバル : n 1)Tuvalu
ツバキ : n uk 1)common camellia 2)Camellia japonica
ツバキ科 / ツバキか : n 1)Theaceae 2)family of flowering plants comprising the camellias and other shrubs and trees
ツバキ目 / ツバキもく : n 1)Theales (order of plants)
ツバキ科 / ツバキか : n 1)Theaceae 2)family of flowering plants comprising the camellias and other shrubs and trees

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