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コボル : n 1)(comp) Common Business Oriented Language 2)COBOL
コボルト : n 1)kobold (evil spirit in German folklore) (ger: Kobolt) 2)goblin
コボルド : n 1)kobold (evil spirit in German folklore) (ger: Kobolt) 2)goblin
コパル : n 1)copal
コペラ : n 1)splashing goby (Copella spp.) (lat: Copella) 2)splash goby
コマ : n 1 1)(astron) coma (of a comet) 2 2)coma 3)comatic aberration P n 1 uk 4)frame (e.g. of film, panel in a comic, etc.) 2 uk 5)scene 3 uk 6)time block (e.g. of a class schedule)
コプロ : n 1)(comp) coprocessor
コミケ : n 1 abbr 1)Comic Market (semiannual self-published comic book convention) 2)comiket 2 abbr 3)comic book market 4)comicbook market

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