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カリスマ : n 1 1)charisma (i.e. attractiveness, charm) (ger: Charisma) 2 2)charisma (i.e. divinely conferred power or talent) 3)charism 3 4)charismatic person 4 col 5)someone famous (usu. for their talent) 6)celebrity 7)idol 8)icon P
カリスマ性 / カリスマせい : n 1)charisma
カリスト : n 1 1)Callisto (nymph in Greek mythology) 2 2)(astron) Callisto (moon of Jupiter)
カリスマ店員 / カリスマてんいん : n 1)star shop assistant 2)famous salesperson
カリガネ : n 1 1)call of a wild goose 2 uk 2)wild goose (esp. a lesser white-fronted goose, Anser erythropus) 3 3)tea made from twigs of high-quality tea plants (esp. gyokuro) 4)high-grade kukicha (esp. from gyokuro)
カリン : n 1 uk 1)Burmese rosewood (Pterocarpus indicus) 2)angsana 3)amboyna 4)amboina 2 uk 5)flowering quince (of genus Chaenomeles) (Pseudocydonia sinensis) 6)Chinese quince (Chaenomeles sinensis) 3 uk 7)quince (Cydonia oblonga)
カリロン : n 1)carillon (fre:)
カリヨン : n 1)carillon (fre:)

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