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揉み上げ / もみあげ : n 1)tuft of hair under temple 2)sideburns 3)sidelocks
揉上げ / もみあげ : n 1)tuft of hair under temple 2)sideburns 3)sidelocks
揉合う / もみあう : v5u vt 1)to jostle 2)to shove and push 3)to struggle with one another
揉み合う / もみあう : v5u vt 1)to jostle 2)to shove and push 3)to struggle with one another
もみ合う / もみあう : v5u vt 1)to jostle 2)to shove and push 3)to struggle with one another
腿上げ / ももあげ : n 1)high knee (exercise drill where one brings one's knees up high while walking or ...
もも上げ / ももあげ : n 1)high knee (exercise drill where one brings one's knees up high while walking or ...
もみ合い / もみあい : n 1)jostle 2)struggle 3)scuffle
揉み合い / もみあい : n 1)jostle 2)struggle 3)scuffle

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