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観る / みる : v1 vt 1 1)to see 2)to look 3)to watch 4)to view 5)to observe 2 6)to look over 7)to look on 8)to assess 9)to examine 10)to judge 3 uk 11)to look after 12)to keep an eye on 13)to take care of 4 14)to view (e.g. flowers, movie) 5 uk 15)to try 16)to try out 6 uk 17)to see that... 18)to find that...
看る / みる : v1 vt 1)to look after (often medically) 2)to take care of P
海松 / みる : n uk 1)Codium fragile (species of seaweed)
診る / みる : v1 vt 1)to examine (medically) P
視る / みる : v1 vt 1 1)to see 2)to look 3)to watch 4)to view 5)to observe 2 6)to look over 7)to look on 8)to assess 9)to examine 10)to judge 3 uk 11)to look after 12)to keep an eye on 13)to take care of 4 14)to view (e.g. flowers, movie) 5 uk 15)to try 16)to try out 6 uk 17)to see that... 18)to find that...
見る / みる : v1 vt 1 1)to see 2)to look 3)to watch 4)to view 5)to observe 2 6)to look over 7)to look on 8)to assess 9)to examine 10)to judge 3 uk 11)to look after 12)to keep an eye on 13)to take care of 4 14)to view (e.g. flowers, movie) 5 uk 15)to try 16)to try out 6 uk 17)to see that... 18)to find that... P
水松 / すいしょう / みる : n uk 1)Codium fragile (species of seaweed)
廻る / まわる / みる / めぐる / もとおる : v5r vi 1 1)to turn 2)to revolve 2 3)to visit several places 3 4)to function well 4 5)to pass a certain time v1 arch 6)to go around v5r vi 1 7)to go around 2 8)to return 3 9)to surround 4 10)to concern (usu. of disputes) v5r vi 11)to wander around
回る / まわる / みる / めぐる / もとおる : v5r vi 1 1)to turn 2)to revolve 2 3)to visit several places 3 4)to function well 4 5)to pass a certain time P v1 arch 6)to go around v5r vi 1 7)to go around 2 8)to return 3 9)to surround 4 10)to concern (usu. of disputes) v5r vi 11)to wander around

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