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防刃 / ぼうじん : n adj-no 1)stab-proof 2)knife-proof
傍人 / ぼうじん : n 1)bystander
防じん / ぼうじん : n 1 1)protection against dust adj-no 2 2)dust-proof 3)dust-tight
防塵 / ぼうじん : n 1 1)protection against dust adj-no 2 2)dust-proof 3)dust-tight
防人 / さきもり / ぼうじん : n 1)soldiers garrisoned at strategic posts in Kyushu in ancient times n 1 2)soldiers garrisoned at strategic posts in Kyushu in ancient times 2 3)Chinese soldiers stationed to protect remote regions of the country during the T...
旁点 / ぼうてん : n 1 1)marks or dots used to emphasize text passage (emphasise) 2 2)marks to facilitate reading of kanbun
傍点 / ぼうてん : n 1 1)marks or dots used to emphasize text passage (emphasise) 2 2)marks to facilitate reading of kanbun
防塵着 / ぼうじんぎ : n 1)dustproof clothing one would use in a cleanroom

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