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閉炉 / へいろ : n vs 1)closing of the fireplace in a Zen temple (first day of the 2nd month)
閉路 / へいろ : n 1)closed circuit
平炉 / ひらろ / へいろ : n 1)open-hearth furnace
平和 / へいわ / ピンフ / ピンホー : adj-na n 1)peace 2)harmony P n 3)concealed winning hand consisting of chows, a pair that isn't a value pair, and ...
丙夜 / へいや : n arch 1)third division of the night (approx. 11 pm to 1 am)
平野 / へいや : n 1)plain 2)open field P
兵部 / へいぶ : n 1)Ministry of War (Tang-dynasty China)
兵馬 / へいば : n 1)arms and cavalry 2)troops 3)war 4)military affairs

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