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惹かれる / ひかれる : v1 1)to be charmed by 2)to be attracted to 3)to be taken with 4)to be drawn to
魅かれる / ひかれる : iK v1 1)to be charmed by 2)to be attracted to 3)to be taken with 4)to be drawn to
引かれる / ひかれる : v1 1)to be charmed by 2)to be attracted to 3)to be taken with 4)to be drawn to
光る / ひかる : v5r vi 1)to shine 2)to glitter 3)to be bright P
被管 / ひかん : n 1 1)lower government office (ritsuryo period) 2 2)servant of a higher ranking person (during the middle ages) 3)retainer 3 4)servant of an urban family 4 5)serf
避寒 / ひかん : n vs 1)wintering
罷官 / ひかん : n arch 1)removal from office
被官 / ひかん : n 1 1)lower government office (ritsuryo period) 2 2)servant of a higher ranking person (during the middle ages) 3)retainer 3 4)servant of an urban family 4 5)serf
悲観 / ひかん : n vs 1)pessimism 2)disappointment P

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