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贔屓にする / ひいきにする : exp 1)to favor 2)to favour 3)to show favor to 4)to show favour to 5)to be partial to 6)to be a regular customer of
ひいき目 / ひいきめ : n 1)seeing things in a favourable light (favorable)
冷え切る / ひえきる : v5r vi 1)to become completely chilled
秀でる / ひいでる : v1 vi 1)to excel 2)to surpass P
贔負 / ひいき : n vs 1)favour 2)favor 3)patronage 4)partiality
贔屓 / ひいき / びいき : n vs 1)favour 2)favor 3)patronage 4)partiality P n-suf 5)liking something 6)being partial to something 7)-phile
贔屓贔屓 / ひいきびいき : n 1)each person supporting (patronizing) his (her) own favorite
贔屓目 / ひいきめ : n 1)seeing things in a favourable light (favorable)
ひいき目 / ひいきめ : n 1)seeing things in a favourable light (favorable)

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