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の下に / のもとに : exp 1 uk 1)under the supervision of 2 2)underneath 3 3)on the basis of
の様に / のように : adv 1 uk 1)like 2)similar to 2 3)as with 4)in the same way
の許に / のもとに : exp 1 uk 1)under the supervision of 2 2)underneath 3 3)on the basis of
の辺に / のあたりに / のほとりに : exp 1 uk 1)on the shores of 2)by the side of (e.g. rivers, ponds) 2 3)in the neighborhood of 4)in the neighbourhood of 5)in the vicinity of 6)close by 7)near 8)by
の度に / のたびに / のたんびに : exp aux uk 1)on the occasion of P
鈍間 / のろま : adj-na n 1)blockhead 2)dunce 3)gullible (person) P
暖簾 / のれん : n 1 uk 1)(short) sign curtain hung at shop entrance 2 2)reputation (of a store) 3)goodwill P
のろ : n 1)slag
祝女 / のろ : n 1)hereditary caste of female mediums in Okinawa
野ろ / のろ : n arch 1)field
/ のろ : n uk 1)European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)
巫女 / のろ / ふじょ / みこ : n 1)hereditary caste of female mediums in Okinawa n 1 2)shrine maiden 3)virgin consecrated to a deity 2 4)medium 5)sorceress
/ どん / なまくら / のろ : adj-na n 1)dull 2)slow 3)stupid 4)dull-brained adj-na 1 uk 5)blunt (e.g. sword) 6)dull 2 7)lazy 8)cowardly 9)good for nothing

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