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納屋 / なや : n 1)shed 2)barn 3)outhouse P
悩み / なやみ : n 1)trouble 2)troubles 3)worry 4)distress 5)sorrows 6)anguish 7)agony 8)problem P
なら : aux 1 1)if 2)in case 3)if it is the case that 4)if it is true that 2 5)as for 6)on the topic of conj 3 col abbr 7)if that's the case 8)if so 9)that being the case P
/ なら : n uk 1)oak (esp. Quercus serrata)
/ なら / ばち : n uk 1)oak (esp. Quercus serrata) n 1 2)plectrum 3)pick 2 4)drumstick for Japanese drums (e.g. taiko)
/ なら : n uk 1)oak (esp. Quercus serrata)
悩む / なやむ : v5m 1)to be worried 2)to be troubled P
縵面 / なめ : n arch 1)smooth unlettered back surface of an old "zeni" coin
嘗め / なめ : n 1 1)lick 2 arch 2)tasting medicine to see if it contains poison 3)medicine-taster
/ なめ : n 1 1)lick 2 arch 2)tasting medicine to see if it contains poison 3)medicine-taster

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