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捕われ / とらわれ : n 1)imprisonment 2)captive
囚われ / とらわれ : n 1)imprisonment 2)captive
捕らわれ / とらわれ : n 1)imprisonment 2)captive
捉われる / とらわれる : v1 vi 1 1)to be caught 2)to be captured 3)to be taken prisoner 4)to be arrested 5)to be apprehended 2 6)to be seized with (fear, etc.) 7)to be a slave to 8)to stick to 9)to adhere to 10)to be swayed by
囚われる / とらわれる : v1 vi 1 1)to be caught 2)to be captured 3)to be taken prisoner 4)to be arrested 5)to be apprehended 2 6)to be seized with (fear, etc.) 7)to be a slave to 8)to stick to 9)to adhere to 10)to be swayed by
捕らわれる / とらわれる : v1 vi 1 1)to be caught 2)to be captured 3)to be taken prisoner 4)to be arrested 5)to be apprehended 2 6)to be seized with (fear, etc.) 7)to be a slave to 8)to stick to 9)to adhere to 10)to be swayed by P
捕われる / とらわれる : v1 vi 1 1)to be caught 2)to be captured 3)to be taken prisoner 4)to be arrested 5)to be apprehended 2 6)to be seized with (fear, etc.) 7)to be a slave to 8)to stick to 9)to adhere to 10)to be swayed by P
虎柄 / とらがら : n 1)tiger pattern 2)striped (like a tiger)

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